I took five years of Latin throughout my years in school. Dead language? Yep. Do I wish I took Spanish? Totally. But does my background with Latin really come in handy for Medical voiceover work? You bet!
Long or complicated pronunciations are a hallmark of medical narration work. While they need to be voiced precisely correctly, they also need to still sound like they are coming from a caring, real, and genuine, authentic voice. I’m confident and comfortable with drug names, Latin terminology, and acronyms alike. When I don’t know how to pronounce something, I’ll ask for a guide, or I’ll look it up and provide alternate reads. The medical industry is about precision; medical voice over should be precise and correct, too.

Complications and Conjugations

Often, new equipment in hospitals requires precise calibration and setup. So, a medical how-to video is needed. While I see AI voice over moving more into this space, I firmly believe that a human voice is absolutely necessary for these videos.
A bland, robotic read of the set up of a surgical arm only serves to reinforce the cold, clinical stereotypes sometimes associated with the operating room. A real, warm, young voice guiding a technician through the steps not only helps the audience engage with the process, but also encourages all to remember the human that will ultimately benefit from the device.

Pep in a Step-by-Step

In Medical Narration and voice over, the audience is often technicians, doctors, and medical staff. However, patient videos are often equally as important. In both cases, it’s important that the message is straightforward, accurate, and clear.
For patient videos, though, there can be an added layer of stress or uncertainty. I pride myself in listening first to the audience of the script, then recording. No matter the timeline of our work together, there is never an excuse to rush a take to get it in the can if it means losing sight of the humans on the other side of the piece. Warmth, humanity, and understanding are always the starting point when I step up to the microphone to record a patient video voice over.

Do No Harm

File splits, multiple pickups, and precise file naming are all very typical in the medical voice over genre. Tight deadlines, too, are not uncommon. My natural attention to detail and deadlines ensures that you’ll have what you need on time and right the first time.
I also happily offer a range of tonal delivery options from a neutral read, typically best suited for stating legal disclaimers and side effects, to a more warm, personal delivery, such as a doctor character. With the ability to shift within the same read, my voice can apply to most areas of the medical genre.

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Here are some places you might have heard my voice in the wild:

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